About this Condition

Excess body fat refers to the accumulation of adipose tissue beyond what is considered healthy or within the normal range for an individual.

This condition can affect various areas of the body, commonly including the abdomen, thighs, hips, and upper arms. The distribution of excess fat is influenced by factors such as your sex, genetics, hormonal fluctuations, dietary habits, and physical activity levels.

One of the primary causes of excess body fat is an imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure. Consuming more calories than the body burns leads to the storage of excess energy in the form of fat. Sedentary lifestyles, poor dietary choices, and hormonal imbalances can contribute to this imbalance.

The impact of excess body fat on appearance and body image is multifaceted. Physically, individuals with excess body fat may notice changes in the shape and proportions of their bodies. Common areas of concern include the development of a “spare tire” around the abdomen, increased thigh and hip circumference, and the appearance of excess fat under the arms.

Beyond physical changes, excess body fat can have profound effects on mental and emotional well-being. Societal standards often emphasise slim or muscular body types, and individuals with excess body fat may experience societal stigma, body shaming, and a sense of inadequacy. These factors can contribute to low self-esteem and body dissatisfaction.

Clothing choices may also be influenced by concerns about body fat, as individuals may seek styles that provide more coverage or conceal certain areas. Additionally, engagement in physical activities might be limited due to self-consciousness.

Addressing excess body fat involves adopting a balanced lifestyle that includes a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and stress management. While the goal is often to improve health and well-being, the positive impact on body image and self-esteem can be significant. Seeking support from healthcare professionals, nutritionists, and fitness experts can provide guidance tailored to individual needs and contribute to a more positive body image. Surgical intervention is often sought when lifestyle changes are not having the desired result. Surgical procedures can provide long-term solutions to body contouring issues, removing excess fat and / or skin to produce a more aesthetically pleasing figure.

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