About this Condition

Cysts are sac-like structures found within or just beneath the skin surface, often appearing as raised lumps of varying sizes. Most cysts contain fluid or semi-solid material and are typically harmless skin lesions. However, due to their visibility in areas like the face and neck, many patients choose to have them removed.

Although cysts are usually not painful, they can become inflamed and painful if infected. In such cases, it is important to treat the infection with antibiotics and warm compresses before considering removal. Cysts should not be removed while infected to prevent further complications.

During a consultation with a skin specialist, the cyst will be examined to confirm its nature and assess for any signs of infection. Many patients choose to have the cyst removed during the same appointment for convenience. Surgical excision is the most common method of removal, ensuring the complete removal of the cyst to prevent recurrence. Stitches may be used to close the incision, which may or may not require removal at a later appointment.

After the procedure, patients can typically go home and resume normal activities.

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