About this Condition

A sagging neck, often referred to as a “turkey neck” or neck ptosis, is characterised by loose or drooping skin, excess fat, and weakened muscles in the neck area. This condition is primarily associated with ageing and is a common concern as the skin loses elasticity over time.

One of the main causes of a sagging neck is the natural ageing process. As individuals get older, the skin gradually loses collagen and elastin, proteins that provide structural support and firmness. The neck is particularly susceptible to these changes due to the delicate nature of the skin in this area. The muscles in the neck can also weaken with age, contributing to the sagging appearance.

Factors such as genetics, sun exposure, and lifestyle choices can accelerate the development of a sagging neck. Smoking, in particular, has been linked to premature ageing of the skin, as it can reduce blood flow and impair collagen production. Significant weight loss can also result in a sagging neck, as the skin may not fully retract after the loss of subcutaneous fat.

A sagging neck can noticeably impact one’s overall appearance. The neck is a prominent and visible part of the body, and changes in its contour can contribute to an aged or less vibrant look. A sagging neck can create the illusion of excess weight or contribute to the perception of a double chin. It may also affect the definition of the jawline and the transition between the face and the neck. Beyond the physical characteristics, the aesthetic concerns related to a sagging neck may impact an individual’s self-esteem and confidence. The desire to address these concerns is common, and patients often explore cosmetic procedures such as neck lift surgery to restore a more youthful and defined neck contour.

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