At A Glance


From £6950

Expected Results:

Larger, fuller breasts

Length of Surgery:

1 hour




6 - 8 weeks

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What is Breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enlargement surgery, is one of the most widely requested cosmetic procedures.

The surgery usually involves using silicone implants to increase breast volume, giving them a fuller, lifted and more youthful appearance. The reasons most women look into breast enlargement is because they feel that their breasts are too small, sagging or asymmetric.

Creating larger, fuller breasts that are more balanced in appearance can be very aesthetically pleasing and have a positive impact upon self-confidence. At my Harley Street clinic I am able to help address a range of cosmetic breast issues.

Common reasons I am asked to carry out breast augmentation for women are:

  • Naturally smaller breasts
  • Breasts that lack volume due to weight loss
  • Breasts that appear ‘deflated’ and less pert following pregnancy

The Consultation

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Your Consultation

During your consultation, we will discuss your motivation for considering breast augmentation as well as the type of results you would like to achieve, including: size, shape and overall appearance. Following a comprehensive discussion and taking all things into consideration, I will be able to give you my opinion on the best way to achieve your desired results.

The consultation takes a friendly and relaxed approach, removing the formality that can be associated with a Harley Street practice. You will have the opportunity to look at and feel the types of I breast implants I use. As well as taking you through the differences in size, shape and texture, you will be able to try on different size implants to get an idea of the sort of size and shape that you would like to achieve. All of this is to make sure you are comfortable that we have made the right choice for you. After all, you will live with your new breasts for many years to come.

Having surgery is an important decision and it is sensible to allow yourself enough time to consider and reflect upon the procedure that you intend to have, and to make sure that you are totally comfortable with the procedure and with what to expect. I will always ensure that you are offered at least two consultations, prior to surgery, so that you have time to absorb the information you have been given, as well as allowing you the opportunity to address any concerns.

The Procedure

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Procedure

Breast enlargement surgery is usually carried out as a day case and under a general anaesthetic. This means you will be fully asleep for the duration of the operation which usually takes 1 hour.

Before surgery, I will likely take a series of photographs and will draw markings on your breasts as a guide to where the implants will be placed. This will also indicate where the incisions will be.

The placement of incisions will be discussed during your consultation and are designed to be as short as possible, so that scarring is minimised and concealed within the natural breast crease on the underside of the breast. The implant will be placed in one of 3 ‘pockets’ within the breast. These are either below the muscle, over the muscle or by using a partial ‘over-under’ technique.

The advantages and disadvantages of each of these placements will be discussed with you during your consultation. In some cases it is necessary to use different size implants for each breast to create a look that is more symmetrical.

Aftercare & Results

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Aftercare

Patient wellbeing and aftercare is a priority. Myself and my nursing team will make sure you are comfortable and happy before you go home.

We will ensure you have been given the appropriate form of pain relief to manage any tenderness and discomfort while your body is healing. You will be given a post-surgical bra that will support your breasts and keep you comfortable in the initial period after surgery. You will be given clear instructions regarding aftercare, explaining how best to care for your new breasts and what to expect in the days and weeks after surgery.

A follow-up appointment will be arranged with you to attend at 1 week after the operation, with further appointments typically arranged at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months and 1 year afterwards. These appointments are designed to monitor the progress of your recovery and hopefully to see the lasting impact that your new breasts have over time. Myself, my secretary and my team of nursing staff are always available outside of these appointments, should you feel the need to discuss anything or to come in and see us.

The final result of a breast augmentation may not be fully visible until around 6 months and only once all the swelling has resolved and the implants have settled into place.

What our patients think

Potential Risks

No surgical procedure is without potential side-effects and risk, however the risk associated with breast augmentation surgery is very low in the majority of patients and my aim is always to keep every procedure as safe as possible.

A great deal has been in the media over the years, in particular with respect to silicone breast implants and I will be able to discuss this with you in detail during the consultation and give you information to take away with you to read in your own time.

Related FAQs

Am I suitable for breast augmentation?

A woman can be unhappy with the appearance of her breasts if she perceives them to be smaller or emptier than desired. Small or ‘empty’ breasts can be naturally occurring or have developed secondary to weight loss or pregnancy. During a one-to-one consultation, your suitability will be determined along with any concerns you may have. Your general health and expectations will also be discussed.

Is this procedure safe?

During your consultation, we will discuss your motivation for considering breast augmentation as well as the type of results you would like to achieve, including: size, shape and overall appearance. Following a comprehensive discussion and taking all things into consideration, I will be able to give you my opinion on the best way to achieve your desired results. 

The consultation takes a friendly and relaxed approach, removing the formality that can be associated with a Harley Street practice. You will have the opportunity to look  at and feel the types of I breast implants I use. As well as taking you through the differences in size, shape and texture, you will be able to try on different size implants to get an idea of the sort of size and shape that you would like to achieve. All of this is to make sure you are comfortable that we have made the right choice for you. After all, you will live with your new breasts for many years to come. 

Having surgery is an important decision and it is sensible to allow yourself enough time to consider and reflect upon  the procedure that you intend to have, and to make sure that you are totally comfortable with the procedure and with what to expect. I will always ensure that you are offered at least two consultations, prior to surgery, so that you have time to absorb the information you have been given, as well as allowing you the opportunity to address any concerns.

Will it hurt?

Surgical procedures can be uncomfortable but in my experience the vast majority of patients report that the level of discomfort experienced was significantly less than they were expecting . A general anaesthetic will be used to perform this procedure so you will be fully asleep throughout. The weeks that follow the procedure will be a period of healing and recovery and patients may experience a degree of sensitivity during this time. I will ensure a suitable course of pain relief will be administered upon your discharge from hospital to help to manage this and it will be necessary for you to adjust your activity levels until your body is feeling more comfortable.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Swelling will be experienced for several weeks along with mild discomfort in the early stages. Where the incisions have been made you can expect to see a scar, which will fade over time and may even be barely noticeable.

Other potential side effects and  risks will be discussed during your consultation. Although developing serious complications is very rare ,with most operations being a success, it is important that you are made aware of the potential risks and benefits of any surgical procedure . After your consultation I will give you some information to take and read at home, including information regarding the safety surrounding silicone implants.

How much downtime can I expect?

Each patient responds differently to the process of healing and repair, however it is generally expected to need to lower your activity levels for around 6 – 8 weeks. Depending upon the kind of work you do, you may need to take 1-2 weeks off During your follow-up consultations I will assess your recovery and will be able to advise you on when it will be best to resume certain activities.

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