At A Glance


From £9000

Expected Results:

Lifted and more youthful looking breasts

Length of Surgery:

2 hours


General Anaesthetic


Up to 6 weeks

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What is Breast uplift?

Breast uplift surgery or ‘mastopexy’ is a surgical procedure that lifts, reshapes and volumizes the breasts in order to achieve a more youthful appearance.

The shape of the breasts, just like the rest of the body, can change in appearance throughout adulthood. Lifetime events as well as our lifestyle choices can often be the cause of changes to our appearance, with circumstances such as weight loss, pregnancy, breastfeeding and general ageing resulting in the breasts losing their firm and pert look.

As a frequently requested cosmetic procedure, lifting the breasts to sit higher on the chest can help to restore a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing appearance as well as helping to boost self-confidence.

At my Harley Street clinic I perform breast uplift surgery for women who find they are affected by:

  • Sagging or droopy breasts
  • Flat, empty looking breasts
  • Asymmetric breasts

The Consultation

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Your Consultation

Making the decision to undergo surgery will have taken a lot of thought and consideration.

I have helped many women achieve their goals and understand the impact of having an appearance you are unhappy with. The consultation process provides the opportunity to discuss why you want breast uplift surgery and what you would like to achieve in terms of shape and size.

I will ask you about your relevant medical history which includes whether or not you take any medications. As part of the consultation and surgical planning I will need to examine your breasts and will be accompanied by one of my nursing team while I do this. I will also ask to take photographs of your breast which will form part of your medical record and will help in planning your surgery and charting your progress following surgery.

I will be able to show you photographs of previous patients who have had similar procedures so you can see the range of outcomes achievable. I will always recommend that you take some time to think about the things discussed during the consultation and offer to arrange a further, second consultation to discuss any issues, questions or concerns that may have arisen.

The Procedure

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Procedure

Breast uplift surgery is carried out under a general anaesthetic and usually as a day-case, meaning you should be able to go home the same day.

Taking into account your aims and objectives, the procedure may be done with or without the insertion of implants. The decision to use implants or not will obviously be decided with you well before surgery and will partly be influenced by whether you have mild, moderate or more significant sagging breasts and weather you want to also significantly increase the size of your breasts at the same time.

An uplift involves marking around the areola and / or on the underside of your breasts, from which excess skin / tissue can be removed and an implant can be inserted (if this route is being taken). The breasts will be reshaped and the nipple repositioned, if necessary, before the wounds are closed and dressed.

Before you leave the hospital, you will be provided with a supportive post-surgical bra which is designed to help support your breasts while they are with the healing. You will be advised how long to wear it for and when it can be removed.

Aftercare & Results

Ahid Abood Plastic Surgery - Aftercare

After you have woken up from your surgery I will come and see you and explain how everything went. I’ll also go over how to look after yourself and your new breasts until I next see you for your 1 week follow-up appointment.

You will be given enough time to recover before you are assessed and discharged from the hospital. Myself and my team are always available should you have any concerns, but formal follow-up appointments are typically made at 1 week, 6 weeks, 3 months and 1 year after surgery.

Immediately following surgery it is likely that you will find that your breasts will feel tender and swollen. This can cause you some discomfort in the initial period following surgery but you will have been given appropriate pain relief to help manage this. You will also be provided with information about how best to care for your wounds, as well as when the best time is to start showering, driving and how long you may need to take off work.

While your body is healing it is always best to take it easy for a couple of weeks, only undertaking low level activities, increasing your activity levels gradually as and when your body is comfortable. Wearing a supportive sports bra or post-surgical bra will help to make you feel comfortable following surgery

Swelling following surgery is to be expected and although most will resolve by 2 to 4 weeks it takes many more for all of the swelling to disappear. Similarly, in the early phase of wound healing, the scars may appear red or raised. I will advise you on scar management which will encourage the scars to soften and fade over time.

What our patients think

Potential Risks

All surgery, irrespective of how minor, carries an element of risk. Mr Abood’s philosophy is to always aim to deliver fantastic aesthetic results, but never at the expense of his patient’s safety. During the entire course of the patient journey- from the initial consultation and throughout the follow-up period- safety is at the forefront.

Mr Abood is a highly trained, board certified plastic surgeon. His wealth of experience helps to deliver exceptional care and results to his patients.

Related FAQs

Am I Suitable for Breast Uplift Surgery?

It is a natural process and very common for women to find that as they progress through life, their breasts become droopy from lost volume and the skin losing it’s natural elasticity. The effects of gravity, fluctuations in weight, pregnancy and breast feeding, and other reasons can contribute to a droopy or sagging appearance. If your breasts are droopy then it is likely you are a candidate for breast uplift surgery.

Is Breast Uplift Surgery Safe?

I am an experienced and well respected consultant plastic surgeon who specialises in performing cosmetic surgery in my private practice.

Patient safety is always at the forefront of every procedure I undertake and at every step along the journey I aim to ensure that a safe and successful outcome is achieved.

I will not accept any unnecessary risk and if I feel this procedure would be unsafe for you, I will not recommend it.

Will It Hurt?

The procedure is carried out under a general anaesthetic which means that you are fully asleep and will not feel anything during surgery.

When you wake up from surgery and in the early stages of recovery you may feel some soreness but this likely to be fairly mild and short-lived.

Adapting your activity levels during this period will help with your comfort levels, as will a suitable course of pain relief and wearing a post-surgical garment.

Are there any side effects or risks?

Although there can be side effects following  any surgery, these are usually minimal and only temporary. Common side effects include swelling and bruising. . Similarly, in the early phase of wound healing, the scars may appear red or raised. I will advise you on scar management which will encourage the scars to soften and fade over time. Although uncommon, potential complications of surgery will be discussed with you during the face-to-face assessment.

How Much Downtime Can I Expect?

It is likely that you will need to take things easy for around 2 weeks after the operation: taking time off work, avoiding strenuous exercise and refraining from driving until it is comfortable to wear a seat belt.

Your recovery will be closely monitored in the weeks and months that follow your surgery and you will be given advice when it is best to resume certain activities, based upon your progress.

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